This is underlined by our ISO 9001: 2015 certification; within a concise time, less than two years after the company was founded, we have proven that our quality standards are not just an idea. We not only give our customers the promise of quality and reliability but also certified security.

We are happy to support you

The easiest way is to make a direct enquiry. We will be happy to answer your technical enquiries about products and orders.

FOS Inon Optics GmbH
Eiserfelder Straße 316
D-57080 Siegen

Tel. +49 (0)271 3875 1340

Fax. +49 (0)271 3875 1342

Technical Support & Enquiries: | Tel. +49 (0)271 3875 1340
or get in touch with your direct contact.

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